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Genie Cherrypicker Hire Petts Wood

Genie Cherrypicker Hire Petts Wood

Hiring a Cherry picker in Petts Wood? When it comes to access equipment, there is no lack of choice. Commonly known as MEWPS, or mobile elevated working platforms, powered access platforms come in a variety of heights, sizes, shapes, and widths. Why not Call us on 0844 273 3480 we can help you to select the right solution for your work.

Genie Cherrypicker Hire of Petts Wood

Despite laborious efforts to lower the toll, falls from height continue to be one of the most common causes of death and significant injury for employees in the building industry.

The number of injuries has actually fallen significantly over the last 20 years or so, however construction remains a high-risk market. There were 50 deadly injuries in the building trade in 2011. And although construction work makes up only about five per cent of the British work-force, it still represents 27 per cent of fatal injuries and 9 per cent of significant injuries.

Clearly, seeing to it that you have a truly safe working platform is crucial when working at height. Your life may depend upon the quality of the cherry picker that you hire.

Costs omit VAT and transport.

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